Our mission is to provide customers from all over the United States, Canada and now the World, a wide variety of the highest quality garden art in the industry. Windgarden by ”Premier designs” is our main supplier of Wind Spinners,Decorative Glass and “Accent" Home & Garden Flags
(and Commercial), and Premier Kites.
Premier’s slogan:
“Themes for all Seasons......."
" Gifts for all reasons........” is spot on.
This web site is set up for you to be able to sort thru the vast inventory in a timely manner. You will be able to check for a gift from home, work or your smart phone. Part numbers are included with pictures and a convenient on-line store link will be provided for pricing and shipment.
Most credit cards are accepted but for those without, they can mail in an order, with a check. Also you can call 1-315-416-1764 for a phone order.
This is our sixth "growing business" year in the Gift Shop, after
40 years in the automotive , towing and petroleum industry.